Frequently Asked Questions
Over the last 11 years, we’ve helped thousands of patients smile with confidence. We stand behind our work and dedicate ourselves to making sure that you’re our number 1 priority.
Yes! We offer flexible financing options such as 0% FINANCING and EXTENDED PAYMENT PLANS. Our goal is to make sure that we work with you to create your ideal payment plan.Â
Composite (white) fillings are a great solution when there is a small cavity or area of the tooth that needs to be restored. However, if the cavity becomes larger, or if the face of your tooth becomes damaged, filling material cannot provide the adequate strength to support the needs of your tooth. Unlike fillings, crowns and onlays are made of stronger materials, and cover the damaged area as oppose to simply filling it. This provides a seal around the tooth which helps it to stay intact. In fact, many studies have shown that a tooth with a crown will last much longer than a tooth with a large filling.
Whether you’re missing one tooth or several teeth, both dental bridges and dental implants are great ways to restore your perfect smile. With this being said, bridges can in many cases be a less invasive and a more cost effective solution. Bridges are also very effective at replacing larger rows of missing teeth, as a dental bridge only has to be fixed to the teeth at either side of the gap. Don’t worry if you are undecided on which solution is best for you. At Parkway Smiles, we will answer all your questions so that you can decide which option best suits you.
If you have an area with a number of missing teeth, then a fixed-implant-retained bridge is the perfect solution for you. This procedure involves placing a dental implant at either side of your gap, and then fixing a bridge to these implants instead of any of your existing teeth. Using this method, both your smile and your dental health will be restored without compromising any of your existing teeth.